Use ShopFloorManager's ISOApproval Module to create unique SignOff Flow Charts which contain your order specific selected Sign-Off & Approval States allowing you to completely control how Files, Documents and or Packets are Approved & Release into the Shop Floor according to Your Company's & ISO's Standards!

ShopFloorManager's Sign-Off Flow Charts

Primer - Sign-Off Flow Charts

Sign-Off Flow Charts are used to manage the Flow of Files, Documents & Packets as they traverse the various Sign-Off States before final Approval. This allows you to select any number of Sign-Off States & assign them to a Sign-Off Flow Chart in a specific order. Once a Sign-Off Flow Chart exists you can assign it to any File, Document or Packet so it will traverse each Sign-Off State leading to Final Approval.

Depending on the Users "Rights" a User can just access these DNC Files, Manufacturing Documents & Packets or Sign-Off a given State(Approve it) so it can move to the next State. In other words some Users have only the "Right" to access these "Files" to perform their normal jobs while others can "Approve" these "Files" so they can move on to the next Sign-Off State.

ShopFloorManager Runtime


Note: From the above ShopFloorManager Runtime Application you can click on the ISO9000 Sign-Off Flow Charts... Icon to manage the ISO9000 Sign-Off Flow Charts Relationships and various Parameters. See the following Window for a more detailed View.

Sign-Off Flow Charts Window


The above Window displays the various ISO9000 Sign-Off Flow Charts that have been created and their associated Sign-Off States. By selecting a particular Sign-Off Flow Chart and clicking on the Properties Button allows you to uniquely configure each ISO9000 Sign-Off Flow Chart to meet your Company's needs.

Note: See "Sign-Off Flow Chart Properties Window" below for more quickview.

New Sign-Off Flow Chart

Click on the New Button and the following Window allows you to create a new ISO9000 Sign-Off Flow Chart with a unique name.

New Sign-Off Flow Chart Window


In the above Window when creating a new ISO9000 Sign-Off Flow Chart chose an Appropriate Name such as the number of States it contains or the particular Sign-Off Flow Chart Name such as "Development". After creating the new ISO9000 Sign-Off Flow Cart click on the Properties Button and the following Window will be displayed.

Sign-Off Flow Charts Properties Icon


In the above Window highlight the new Flow Chart and click on the Properties Icon and the following Window will be displayed.

Sign-Off Flow Chart Properties

The following Sign-Off Flow Chart Properties Window allows you to select which "Sign-Off States" are to be included in this Sign-Off Flow Chart and in which order, if ordered is chosen, they are be Signed Off for this Sign-Off Flow Chart.

For each specific "Sign-Off State" in this "Sign-Off Flow Chart" you can select which User or User Groups(any User in this group) can Approve this specific "Sign-Off Flow Chart" "Sign-Off State" so any "Files" in this "Sign-Off State" can move on the next Sign-Off State or Sign-Off Flow Chart if all States in this Sign-Off Flow Chart have been Approved or to the Final Approval State.

Sign-Off Flow Chart List of Sign-Off States Properties Window


The Above Window displays the available Sign-Off States from which you can chose any number to add to this Sign-Off Flow Chart in a specific order of Sign-Off States or in a Random order. You can create any number of Sign-Off Flow Charts with any number of Sign-Off States to meet all of your ISO Quality needs.

Sign-Off Flow Chart Select Sign-Off States Properties Window


The Above Window displays the Sign-Off States which were chosen to add to this Sign-Off Flow Chart in a specific order of Sign-Off States. You can create any number of Sign-Off Flow Charts with any number of Sign-Off States to meet all of your ISO Quality needs.

Sign-Off Flow Chart Select Sign-Off Users for Sign-Off State UNAPPROVED Properties Window


The Above Window displays the Users and User Groups chosen that are allowed to Sign-Off the UNAPPROVED State. When it is Approved it automatically moves onto the next Sign-Off State, which above is Sign-Off State_2. You would select the Users & User Groups to Sign-Off this State just as above.

Assigning Sign-Off Flow Chart to a File


The Above Window allows you to select the DNC File you want to associate a Sign-Off Flow Chart by first selecting the DNC File and then clicking on the "Edit Approval and Sign-Off" Icon. I.E. The OK/OK Button. See the following Window.

Edit Approval and Sign-Off Form Window


The Above Form allows you to set the base Criteria for setting up Sign-Off and Approval of this DNC File. If you want to Approve this File immediately just click the Approval Check Box and the Start/End Dates if desired. The File will be immediately Approved for Production. If you want to associate it with a Sign-Off Flow Chart for a more Robust Sign-Off and Approval click on the Edit Sign-Off Steps and the Window below will open.

Base Sign-Off Flow Chart


The Above Form allows you to create a one-time Sign-Off Flow Chart on the Fly. You can select the Sign-Off States, Users, etc. If you want to select an existing Flow Chart from various existing sources click on the Copy From Another Item Icon and the following Window will be displayed.

Select Sign-Off Flow Chart from Existing Sources


The Above Window allows you to select an existing Flow Chart as presently used in DNC Files, Documents and Packets or from the list of Sign-Off Flow Charts that you created separately.

Select a Sign-Off Flow Chart from the Sign-Off Flow Chart List of Created Flow Charts


From the Above Window select the Sign-Off Flow Chart you want to use from the List and the following Window will be displayed.

Selected Sign-Off Flow Chart


If the above Sign-Off Flow Chart is correct click the OK Button and the following Window will be displayed.

Final Sign-Off Flow Chart for the selected DNC File


The above Sign-Off Flow Chart Form displays all of the information about the Sign-Off and Approval for this particular DNC File. Sign-Off Flow Charts for Documents & Packets have the same basic information.

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