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Allows Creating Secure Communication's Channels to External Applications
A Database-Driven Tool Kit For Attaching to External Applications
Part of an Integrated Family of ShopFloorMangerTM Support Modules
Supports Windows 10TM & Windows 8TM including Support for Windows' Server 2008/2010/2012/2019

Shop3rdPartyToolsTM supports Creation of Secure Third-Party Communication's Channel to External Applications allowing these Applications to access Files and or Documents from ShopFloorManger'sTM Database so these Files can be: Viewed, Edited, Copied, Renamed, Saved, etc. So you can keep using these Specialized Applications like they are part of ShopFloorManger.

Any Documents or Files that are modified by these Specialized External Applications can be securely managed & checked back into ShopFloorManger'sTM database providing the same control as any other File and or Document stored in ShopFloorManger'sTM database.

Using Shop3rdPartyToolsTM in combination with ShopFloorManger'sTM ISO9000 Modules provides Revision Control, Approval Control, Event Capture and Creation of "Birth to Death Histories" of all Files & Documents.

Shop3rdPartyToolsTM A Secure Communication's Channel to External Applications

Word Excel EditNC AutoCAD MasterCAM NotePad Do you Use Multiple Disparate Applications? Want to Integrate these Applications? Solve the Puzzle and use ShopManger to provide configurable Communications Channels to Third Party Applications!



User Login Security

Provide your Company with Secure User Logins:
  • Administrators can Create User Log-In Names & Passwords
  • Administrators can Create Auto Log-Offs after non-use-Time Settable
  • Administrators can Create any number of User Groups
  • Administrators can Create any number of Users
  • Administrators sets Access-Rights for User Groups thus Users.
  • Administrators controls over 100 Rights


Shop3rdPartyTools'TM Basics Include:
  • Create Lists of Selectable Third-Party Applications
  • Create Command Line Arguments for Each Application
  • Associate Each 3rd-Party Application to User Groups for Security
  • You can just startup 3rd-Party Application
  • You can startup a 3rd-Party Application & Pass a File from ShopManager'sTM Database
  • You can startup a 3rd-Party App & Securely Control and Manage a File from ShopManager'sTM Database
  • Users are Reminded of DNC Files & Documents that are Checked-Out
  • Users are Reminded of who has DNC Files & Documents Checked-Out

Run Shop3rdPartyTools
Third-Party Apps

Shop3rdPartyTools'TM Run Third-Party Tool:
  • Click on the Run Third-Party Tool and Select one of the Displayed Third-Party Tools.
  • Note: If just want to start a Third-Party Application and not select anything from the database this is the option you would chose.

Copy And Open

Shop3rdPartyTools'TM Copy & Open allows you to:
  • Copy & Duplicate Original DNC File(s) and or Document(s)
  • Select one of the Displayed Third-Party Tools for Viewing
  • Manage DNC File(s) and or Document(s) Outside of ShopMangerTM
  • Note: If just want to select a File or Document from ShopManger's database and start a Third-Party Application but don't want to affect the File or Document in the database this is the option you would chose.

Check-Out & Edit...

Shop3rdPartyTools'TM Check-Out & Edit allows you to:
  • Select a File/Document from within ShopMangerTM
  • Select the Third-Party Tool and Check-Out & Edit the Original DNC File(s) and or Document(s)
  • View/Edit using Third-Party Applications
  • Check-In & Save DNC Files/Documents
  • Manage DNC Files and or Documents within ShopMangerTM
  • Note: If want to select a File or Document from ShopManger's database to Edit with a Third-Party Tool and later store in ShopManger's database this is the option you would chose.

Edit Check-Out File...

Shop3rdPartyTools'TM Continue to Edit a Checked-Out allows you to::
  • Select a Check-Out File/Document & Continue Edit Session
  • Continue to View/Edit using Third-Party Applications
  • Check-In & Save DNC Files and or Documents
  • Manage DNC Files and or Documents within ShopMangerTM
  • Note: If want to continue Editing a Checked-Out File or Document with a Third-Party Tool and later store in ShopManger's database this is the option you would chose.

Check-In Edited File...

Shop3rdPartyTools'TM Check-In Edited File allows you to:
  • Select a Check-Out DNC File and or Document
  • Save as Original DNC File and or Document
  • Save as a New DNC File and or Document
  • Manage DNC Files and or Documents within ShopMangerTM
  • Note: If want to Check-In the Checked-Out File or Document and store it in ShopManger's database this is the option you would chose.

Abandon Edits

Shop3rdPartyTools'TM Abandon Edits & Check-In allows you to:
  • Select a Check-Out File/Document
  • Abandon Edits & Check-In the Original DNC File and or Document
  • Manage DNC File(s) and or Document(s) within ShopMangerTM
  • Note: If want to Abandon Edits on the Checked-Out File or Document and keep the original File or Document it in ShopManger's database this is the option you would chose.

Third-Party Tools

Third-Party Tools Check-Out Reminders:
  • Reminds Users of their Check-Out DNC Files
  • Reminds Users of their Check-Out Controlled Documents
  • Reminds Other Users who has the File/Document Check-Out
  • Note: Shop3rdPartyTools keeps a running list of any Files or Documents that are Checked-Out and reminds you so you will not forget.

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All Rights Reserved
ShopFloorManager Registered Trademark of CCI.
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CAD/CAM Integration, Inc.
3 Bessom St. #212
Marblehead, MA 01945

Contact Information:
Phone: 1-781-933-9500
Fax: 1-781-494-9585