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Remote Requests
A Universal RemoteRequest Generator, Server & Processor (Includes Events from ShopMonitor)
Operators can Remotely Request and Send Files to and from ShopFloorManager
Machine Tools can DPRINT Events to ShopFloorManager whether from Macros or embedded in DNC Files
ShopMDI can Submit Manual Data/Events to ShopFloorManager for Processing by Remote Requests
Part of an Integrated Family of ShopFloorManagerTM EventAware TM Modules
Supports Windows 10 TM & Windows 8 TM including Support for Windows' Server 2008/2010/2012/2019

Remote Requests is an Universal Remote Request Command Generator, Server and Processor. It is used to Generate a Complete set of "Machine Tool to ShopFloorManager" Remote Commands formatted specifically for each type of controller. Any Events create with ShopMonitor can also be processed by Remote Requests!

These Remote Commands can then be stored on the CNC Controller where an operator can output these to ShopFloorManager's Remote Request Command Server and Processor for Requesting Immediate Service for any valid Command. These "Commands" can also be information about Production Cycles, Maintenance, Probe Measurements, etc. These "Commands" are limited only by your imagination!

The Command Server receives these Commands to which ShopFloorManager's Command Processor parses, analyzes, records, emails(if set) & responds appropriately.

Remote Requests A Universal Remote Command Generator, Server and Processor

CNC Requests DNC Files CNC Requests Help Files CNC Requests Save File CNC Sends EMails Queue to Save Abort Transfer Clear Queue Help your CNC Operators stay at their CNCs! Provide them with Remote Requests so they can: Get DNC Files, Save DNC File, Save Production Data, Save Probe Measurements.... ! Remote Requests is limited only by your imagination!


Remote Requests'

Remote Requests'

Remote Requests' Basics Include:
  • EventAwareTM Technologies(Real-Time Updates from all Remote Commands)
  • A Command Generator
  • A Command Server
  • A Command Processor
  • Ability to Process all Events Created with ShopMonitor

Remote Requests'
Command Generator

Use the Command Generator to Customize Commands for Controller Types:
  • [^]Abort Transfer (Abort)
  • [^]Clear Queue (CLR)
  • [^]CNC E-Mail (CNCEMAIL recipient_list)
  • [^]CNC E-Mail Template (CNCEMAILTEMPLATE)
  • [^]Command Template (COMMANDTEMPLATE)
  • [^]Get All (GETALL resource_collection_name)
  • [^]Get DNC File and Loop (GETLOOP dnc_file_name, dnc_file_version, start_from_search_instance,....)
  • [^]Get DNC File Once (GETLOOP dnc_file_name, dnc_file_version, start_from_search_instance,......)
  • [^]Get DNC File Once by Drip Feed (GETLOOP dnc_file_name, dnc_file_version, start_from_.......)
  • [^]Get Last Response (LAST)
  • [^]Help (HELP name)
  • [^]Help Topics (HELPTOPICS)
  • [^]List DNC Files (LIST resource_collection, filter,length, start)
  • [^]List Templates (LISTTEMPLATE)
  • [^]Operator Identification (OPER=operator_name,remote_request_command)
  • [^]Queue to Save (QUEUETOSAVE new_dnc_file_name)
  • [^]Replace (REPL dnc_file_name, dnc_file_version)
  • [^]Save This DNC File (SAVE file_name)
  • [^]Send Selected DNC File (SENDSELECTED)
  • [^]Shop Floor Event (EVT data item,identifier value, item data, value label, value data, timestamp, extra data)
  • [^]Start Next Item on the Queue(STARTNEXT)
  • Note: [^] use Check to include command or [ ] to exclude command!

Remote Requests'
Command Server

The Command Server Provides:
  • The Active Communication's link from the CNC To:
    • ShopFloorManager
    • ShopManager
    • ShopMonitor
    • ShopDNC

Note: This link provides a Data Stream so that any Commands, Files or Events that are being received by ShopFloorManagerTM from a Machine Tool and or ShopMDI are forwarded to the Command Processor so they can be: Parsed, Analyzed and depending on the Command or Event either Saved and or can Generate Appropriate Responses.

The Appropriate Response(s) to the Commands received from the CNC are prepared by the Command Processor and forwarded to the Command Server to send to the CNC.

Remote Requests'
Command Processor

The Command Processor Provides:
  • The Parsing, Analyzing, Saving Files, Data and ISO Histories and prepares the responses to the Commands forwarded to it by the Command Server. These Commands can be any of the above List of Commands including any number of embedded parameters.
  • The "Responses" can be sent, saved and or stored in ShopDNC'sTM Database for later generating Reports using Remote Request or Charting using ShopChartsTM. These "Responses" may also include Error Generation (I.E. notifying a CNC operator that a file is not available, was not saved, etc.) , Emailing information from a CNC Operator, etc.

Copyright 2021 ShopFloorManager
All Rights Reserved
ShopFloorManager Registered Trademark of CCI.
Click here for ShopFloorManager

CAD/CAM Integration, Inc.
3 Bessom St. #212
Marblehead, MA 01945

Contact Information:
Phone: 1-781-933-9500
Fax: 1-781-494-9585